Please note: The content of this post is my own, unless the technical terms are too hard to explain, then the content is copy and pasted. I am not a medical professional and thus the post is my point of view. But the content is science-based and credible. Just because it is a new science, does not necessarily make it quackery. 

So let’s unpack the test a bit:

What is Methylation?

Methylation is a chemical reaction that occurs in every cell and tissue in your body. The methylation of proteins helps the body detoxify. For example, the methylation process helps convert the toxic amino acid (homocysteine) into a beneficial amino acid (methionine). If your body cannot methylate properly, toxins build up in your bloodstream and will eventually cause disease.

When optimal methylation occurs, it has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems, including those relating to:

How do they get the results and why:

Using the buccal swab (cheek swab) sample they then put it through a process called the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which copies the DNA of your genes many times over so that they can generate sufficient quantities to analyse the genetic material. They then identify unique DNA sequences in some of the genes. Certain changes (polymorphisms) in these genes have been studied in detail, with evidence that correlates these polymorphisms with an individual’s risk of developing certain chronic disease conditions or altered metabolic processes. Having identified the presence or absence of these polymorphisms, we are able to qualitatively assess particular areas of health risk related to the specific genes. To make a holistic assessment of health risks, environmental factors (diet and lifestyle) need to be considered in conjunction with the accompanying genetic profile.

Who is all involved?

B vitamins provide building blocks for growing cells, which are constantly being renewed, and play an important role in many physiological processes. These vitamins – including folate, vitamins B6 and B12 – help make new DNA for cells that are constantly growing and renewing themselves. Folate is also involved in turning many genes on and off and also helps repair DNA. Although B vitamins are only required in small amounts, they are crucial for methylation and in producing new DNA.

The results can have one of 5 outcomes:

By cbadmin